Snålmannen & Spargrisen

Podcast | 26 x 30 min | Production: Clayhill (2021 - 2022)

Listen here on Yle Arenan

Snålmannen & Spargrisen is a podcast series created and produced by Clayhill for the Finnish Broadcasting Company Yle. Hosts Joni and Elias are saving to become financially independent and make work optional. How can they achieve that? Every week they discuss a different topic that needs to be addressed in order to reach financial independence. Topics include housing costs, living arrangements, children, food, living with risk, mortgages etc. Can they achieve their dream by saving and investing or are their lives going to suck? Every week Elias published a comic connected to the series on Svenska Yle’s Instagram.

Director & concept: Elias Poutanen
Hosts: Elias Poutanen & Joni Lindström
Jingle & Soundmix: Oliver Wegmüller